Award-winning poet and festival-winning filmmaker, Rogue Shakespeare (aka ‘Ryan J-W Smith’), interviews courageous speakers on controversial issues affecting everyday people…

…then instantly writes and performs a bespoke new sonnet for his interviewee based on their conversation – LIVE!

A festival-winning filmmaker, Rogue Shakespeare has been interviewing prominent speakers on controversial issues since 2009

Some of his most notable interviewees include…

Rogue Shakespeare interviewing Professor Noam Chomsky, author and political commentator.

Rogue Shakespeare interviewing the world famous Dr. Andrew Wakefield

Rogue Shakespeare twice interviewed the late former U.S. Senator for Alaska, writer, political activist and two-time U.S. Presidential Candidate, Mike Gravel – who famously read The Pentagon Papers into the US Congressional Record, which subsequently lead to the end of the Vietnam war.

Rogue Shakespeare interviewing the late Gore Vidal, author and political commentator.

Rogue Shakespeare twice interviewed his friend, the late seven-time Emmy Award-winning actor and activist, Ed Asner. 

Rogue Shakespeare interviewing the late Tony Benn, MP and former leader of the UK Labour Party.

Some of Rogue Shakespeare’s most valuable former spy and intelligence interviewees include…

Former CIA Analyst, Ray McGovern

Former MI5 Intelligence Officer, Annie Machon

Former FBI Agent, Coleen Rowley


You can watch all episodes of The Rogue Shakespeare® Experience for free on Rumble & Brighteon

And read Rogue Shakespeare’s new sonnets from each episode on Substack

– please subscribe on Substack to support our work!

T r u t h   i n   V e r s e



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